Sunday, June 26, 2011

Winter Wonderland

For my daughters Winter Holiday class party I decided to have it be a "snow theme".

To get everyone in the spirit, we read a book about snowmen.   There are a ton of books about snow and snowmen out there, so just choose the one you like best for your group of kids.

Next, we made snow globes.  I collected baby food jars from several of my friends, any size will do.  There are a variety of things you can put inside but we decided on the Arizona Snowman.  I got foam from our local craft store and cut out carrot noses, scarves, top hats, and black coal for the eyes and nose pieces.  We just added the foam pieces, water, and silver glitter.  Before we put the lids on, I put some E6000 glue around the inside of the lid to help keep it shut.  Note, hot glue gun does not work, trust me :)!

Another activity we did that was by far the funnest thing I have ever done at a class party, was have a snowball fight.  How can you have a snowball fight in Arizona inside a classroom?  Paper.  Each child got 3 pieces of white paper which they crumpled into a ball.  The class was divided in half, one on each side of the room.  They had 1 minute to have the snowball fight.  Whichever side had the least amount of snowballs on their side after the minute was up, won.  The kids loved it as well as the adults.

Some other ideas are to cut out snowflakes from paper or decorate foam snowflakes.  They usually have foam snowflake kits at your local craft store.

Usually we have a treat during the party, what better thing to have at a snow party then snow cones.  These were a huge hit.

Please share my blog and ideas with others.  If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, let me know.
Thank you for visiting my blog.

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